Pediatric Partners will be reopening for in person visits for limited services on Monday, May 18th and look forward to seeing new and returning patients! We hope to continue to implement a phased reopening of our clinic and offer all services by June 1st.
Based on recommendations from both the Center for Disease Control and the North Dakota Department of Health, patient policies have been updated to identify what patients can expect upon returning to in-clinic therapy.
As always, Pediatric Partners maintains their commitment to providing the highest quality of care with your health and safety in mind.
At this time, Pediatric Partners will institute the following policies and protocols applicable to all individuals attending in-person, face-to-face sessions:
Policies Regarding COVID-19
1. Notify your therapist and stay home if you have symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of taste/smell, or chills.
2. Patients must be symptom free (including fever free for 3 days) before returning to the clinic for face-to-face visits. Those who have had a positive COVID-19 test must be symptom free for 10-days after the test (including fever free for 3-days).
3. All patients will need to check-in at the front desk to have their temperatures taken, answer health screening questions, and use hand sanitizer. If symptoms are discovered, the patient will be asked to reschedule their appointment and sent home.
4. Patients will be limited to having 1-parent/guardian in the clinic with them.
5. The number of guests in the lobby will be capped to 10 and they will be required to wear a mask. Those who do not want to wear a mask, or those that would increase the number to more than 10, will be asked to wait in their vehicle in the parking lot.
6. Telehealth Therapy Services are still an option for high risk patients or for those who do not feel comfortable coming into the clinic.
7. CDC guidelines will be monitored and any changes to current policies will be communicated immediately.
8. Pediatric Partners employees and therapists have been instructed to disinfect their work and therapy area before and after each therapy session along with following their normal cleaning regimen.
9. Every staff member must have their temperature taken when they arrive at Pediatric Partners.
10. Staff members will cover their coughs with their clothing and wash their hands.
11. Therapists will be wearing masks in the lobby and during their face to face therapy sessions.